Thursday, July 8, 2010


So, this is my first post, YAY!! Lately I have been talking to a lot of people but relationships. Most of the people I know are settling. I don't understand, why settle so soon in life, why not see the world. Most of us are only in our early 20s. Why wouldn't you take the chance, make a change (name that song) and just make for the horizon. I don't really have anyone following me, but when I do get some, I hope they look back and see this post and are able to answer it for me.
Anyway, thats my take on it. For now, I will try and keep this updated. Let people know how I am doing and what I am up to. If anyone has an idea of something for me to do, let me know. I will take suggestions. maybe post some videos of me cooking or what not.

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