Tuesday, July 27, 2010


See, the trouble with home is that I have no clue where it is. I have lived all over the United States it seems, from California to West Virginia, New Orleans to Jacksonville. Its everywhere. I know that they say "Home is where the heart is" and I love my family and will always consider New Orleans as a place to call home.

I can not leave out all the other places either. The memories that were made in these places, the people I met, befriended, loved, and lost. The triumphs I have earned and the mistakes i have made.

Its not easy, this life that I have made for myself. I wonder if it would have all been easier if I would have just stayed in one place. I feel like I have left little pieces of me every where that I have gone, and like those pieces have left me, like they are lost, like i am lost.

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